Sunday, 12 July 2009

First words slipping in

The first few tentative words about the album are filtering in from the world, and I'm overjoyed to see that people really taking their time with it and giving it the time of day and here are a few snippets:

"...digesting...notes to follow..." Guru Greeny, Somewhere out There

"on the same lines as Greeny,after reading the notes, instructions etc i thought F*** it! its a bloody good album - I'm going to listen and enjoy it for a while rather than study it like homework. i'll hand in my essay b4 the end of term though. Promise! i'm onto my 3rd full listen of the album. I'm more into melodies than lyrics which is what puts me off a lot of acoustic stuff but i should have known better. you always have a decent tune!!" Dodgy Gary, UK

"Due to some technical problems, I have only been able to listen to the album at low volume at the office.
Here are my first impressions...
I do like the album as a whole. I fear that this will sound like a cliche: this album feels more honest and true to Andy as an artist. As a member of The Cheesemakers, Andy writes good tunes. His lyrics usually feature clever wordplay and tell stories. And I enjoy that. When I listen to the solo piece, I feel that Andy has created songs about things that are personal to him. I have not had a chance to see the lyrics so this may be off-base. Having said that, the feel of the songs seems to convey that to me.

As Andy Cheesemaker, he is the frontman/performer/entertainer. As Andy Ferguson, he is the artist
." JR Remke, Chicago, USofA

"My review will be a very very cautious one, Need to have all my senses on the record, you know what I mean! I need to be in the right mood. Can’t listen it once in my car and make a review." Yann Viseur, France

(Check out Yann's wondrous Blog here - )

It should be noted at this point that there is no-one out there whom has put more effort into promoting this album than Yann, and for no other reason than he likes the album and wants to help! It just helps a little to restore ones faith in human nature, I think. Yann and his Blog is Magnifique!

"Shite! Never liked him" Hesh, The Boldons, UK

So some tentative words here but I'm looking forward to the floods of detailed and extensive reviews that will no doubt be piling in this week :o)

Cheers me luvs


Ps - Go see Quadrophenia the new stage play when you get a chance, caught it last night at Sunderland Empire and was superb

Wednesday, 1 July 2009



It is with great pleasure that I can announce that my debut solo album, 'Words Falling On The Page' is released today and can be downloaded for free using the link below. The package is zipped and comes with the ten music tracks, full colour artwork to be printed and fitted into a PVC sleeve as opposed to a jewel case, lyrics to all ten songs and detailed liner notes.

I'd be very happy indeed if you would give this album a listen, in the proper listening environment, accompanied by both the lyrics and liner notes so that you get the full picture and I'd be overjoyed if you could find time send me your thoughts, either by posting here on the Blog or by mailing me direct, , good or bad, detailed or brief, your time would be much much appreciated.

And so I surrender this work to the public and hope you find something from it.

Feel free to copy, distribute, give to relatives for Xmas etc, I want as many people as possible to hear this stuff.

Link to download on Megaupload -
*Please note this new link takes you to the updated version with the improved Lyric Folder.

Andy 2nd July 2009