Sunday, 17 October 2010


Just announced, The Cheesemakers will revive their annual Xmas gig at The Telegraph in Newcastle on Sunday 5th December. All are inclined to be there. The debacle of a couple of years ago in South Shields is about to be slaughtered, we won't let you down this time, we promise.

Songs old and new will be aired in an hour + set, with support from a new/old Newcastle band massively worth seeing, details TBA.

So make it a date.

And send any requests for Cheesemakers songs of the past right now.

Cheers all


Nick said...

Gah! Too early mate. I'm not back till the 9th. Fancy pushing it back a week?

dodgygary said...

it was an excellent gig as expected but the small amount of people turning up is just depressing
i think if you want to carry on gigging you need to forget about all the people from the past who have clearly given up and try to find a completely new audience
the songs are good to enough to attract anyone on a first listen
