Hi everyone
I think many of you will have heard this news already but here is a short message from myself.
It is with the very greatest sadness and heaviest heart I have ever known that I have to tell you that last night on Friday 16th September at 8.15pm, my beloved wife, soul-mate, best friend, love of my life and rose of my heart, Vicky, passed away peacefully in my arms.
I was able to tell her, with her last breaths that I was there for her, as I had promised, for her not to be frightened, to visit me in my dreams and the last words she heard me say were, 'I've got you, I've got you...'
She is simply irreplaceable and was everything to me. I am bereft.
Thanks for the messages and visits so far
I shall post more early next week regarding 'arrangements'.
Andy we have never met, but I think we have spoken once, still feel I know you well!
Just to let you know that Martin and I are thinking of you and have been over the past weeks. So sorry to hear this dreadfully sad news, What beautiful words you posted, they show your strength and hope that it will keep you going in the weeks, months and years to come. Be strong.
Our love goes out to you.
Marion and Martin (Maz, Sunflower Maz) xx
Hi, It's lauren who used to live on the corner in alice street. I had no idea and I just wanted to say, be strong. I know charlotte and gabby will be, for their mams sake. Always here x
Hi Maz. Yes I feel the same, we do know eachother. Thanks for yours and Martins thoughts, means a lot. Im utterly bereft and totally lost without Vicky, she was everything to me. Thanks Maz, Andy x
Hi Lauren. Thanks so much for your message. Of course I remember you, Vicky always really liked you. Charlotte and Gabrielle are being strong of course cos they're wonderful kids. You were always welcome in my home, I hope you knew that. Give my regards to your Mam. Andy x
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