Monday, 28 September 2015


Have been added to the You Tubes all taken from our live set back in July at Flat Tops in Boldon, a fantastic music venue.

View them here:

White Mouse (Don't Forget Nancy Wake)

Lyin' To Me


Saturday, 19 September 2015


'When The Girl In The Blue Dress Sings'

Audio -
Video -

The Cheesemakers new single, and Part Two of 'Inspiring Women' series. For Part One search 'Cheesemakers White Mouse' on the You Tubes

Synopsis: "A song about the songs of Bridie Jackson & The Arbour and how they make people feel. Part 2 of our 'Inspiring Women' series, (Part One is White Mouse about the life of WW2 heroine Nancy Wake). After talking with other listeners about this music they all agreed. This song describes how you can feel a breadth of emotions all within one tune, whilst listening to BJ&A you can have tears streaming down your face one minute then be laughing heartily the next, and within music this is an astonishing feat. I am very aware of how Bridie & the group wish to come across and they achieve that with aplomb. This song is The Cheesemakers attempt at describing that, and portaying how you can feel the whole spectrum of emotion all within 4 minutes."

With great thanks to Bridie Jackson and The Arbour for inspiration and Iona Frances Brown for making the film

Thursday, 3 September 2015



As part of our plan to release 'singles' and impact releases, this is the first of a two-part series of individual tracks about inspiring women. The first one is, I believe, maybe the best song we've ever written and is inspired by the life of one Nancy Wake. Please go and find out about her after you have listened to the song, an amazing woman and hopefully she would appreciate our song about her life.

All we ask is you listen and let us know what you think

Listen to it here now - 


From cosmopolitan Marseilles 1939
Seduced by proficient tango
Nancy married Henri, wealthy so he was
Charm & sophistication
Champagne & caviar
Living on a hill on the harbour

Who’d have thought that Nancy Wake
Would turn into the White Mouse?

Have you ever been afraid?
‘I’ve never been afraid in my life’
Nancy Wake The White Mouse said
500k through German checkpoints
I guess that’s not being afraid?
Nancy Wake The White Mouse

False papers & a purchased ambulance
Trained at Scotlands MOD
She joined the French Resistance
7,000 Maquis troops she led
The SS nor the Gestapo
Could capture The White Mouse

Who’d have thought that Nancy Wake
Would turn into the White Mouse?

Have you ever been afraid?
‘I’ve never been afraid in my life’
Nancy Wake The White Mouse said
A sleepless life on the move
The Plateau was her great win
Nancy Wake The White Mouse

On returning to Vichy in liberation
She learned Henri had died
For he would not betray her
Post war decorations came
And glory to this day
‘A lady till the fighting starts’

Who’d have thought that Nancy Wake
Would turn into the White Mouse?

Have you ever been afraid?
‘I’ve never been afraid in my life’
Nancy Wake The White Mouse said
Her ashes scattered on the hills she fought
‘That was good enough for me’
Nancy Wake The White Mouse said

The next song in the series is due mid-September and is about another inspiring woman's songs & lyrics, a film has been commissioned to go with it, so watch out for that 'impact' release very soon...

Thanks for listening and sharing

Friday, 8 May 2015


Monday 11th May The Cheesemakers return to the studio to record a new single to be released thereafter in a matter of a week or's a new concept and is free of charge, all we ask is you L I S T E this space keenly

Sunday, 4 January 2015


I have been quiet on this, and other, forums over 'holiday' period and this year I will prefer to wish Happy New Year to folks in person. But to those I won't see..Happy New Year! As usual I declined the many party offers for NYE (thanks again to everyone) and the evening was going as it usually did...then something happened!! As I'm a poncy prat I've written this little number about it...hope it makes sense. See you all out and about in 2015!!!


T’was an austere New Years Eve
Two thousand and fourteen
Another blank year
About to roll over and die
When a vision occurred
On approaching of midnight
That spoke with great words
I would seek to ignore

Said vision informed me
In no un-certain terms
That I had engulfed in the sadness
With gusto and reverie
“Such a sad fucking sight
You are” it spat forth
“Go and sit in your wallow
And let life drain from you”

I understood it’s resolve
Was to kick up my spirit
And by twelve and then thirty
I felt fresh and anew
Its warmth and clear breathing
Was still there in the morning!
Even sunshine was clear
It was time to begin

So after that visit
Harsh words were absorbed
And I’ve demanded of myself
The only path I can choose
That the pain and the misery
Can stay in the past
I can visit it sometimes
But it now will not last

A few years then some ago
I spoke gently the words
‘Don’t be scared darling’
And now it’s my turn
To walk into the street
Not knowing defeat
Take a breath of fresh air
It’s a brand new morning

Andy 1st January 2015 x