Saturday, 19 September 2015


'When The Girl In The Blue Dress Sings'

Audio -
Video -

The Cheesemakers new single, and Part Two of 'Inspiring Women' series. For Part One search 'Cheesemakers White Mouse' on the You Tubes

Synopsis: "A song about the songs of Bridie Jackson & The Arbour and how they make people feel. Part 2 of our 'Inspiring Women' series, (Part One is White Mouse about the life of WW2 heroine Nancy Wake). After talking with other listeners about this music they all agreed. This song describes how you can feel a breadth of emotions all within one tune, whilst listening to BJ&A you can have tears streaming down your face one minute then be laughing heartily the next, and within music this is an astonishing feat. I am very aware of how Bridie & the group wish to come across and they achieve that with aplomb. This song is The Cheesemakers attempt at describing that, and portaying how you can feel the whole spectrum of emotion all within 4 minutes."

With great thanks to Bridie Jackson and The Arbour for inspiration and Iona Frances Brown for making the film

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