Monday, 22 June 2009

Rare Vintage Cheesemakers Footage Found

Some fantastic new live gig footage has appeared on the You Tubes courtesy of long time Cheesemakers follower Dodgy Gary. It features virtually the whole set from The Archer, Jesmond, Newcastle on 21st September 2004.
The lot can be found at

some of it even seems to be in High Definition! The sound is great and it's a pretty top performance by the band including the amazing microphone juggling act during Leicester quickly followed by my attempt to sing into a mic stand without a mic on it, and then carrying on ANYWAY! Priceless. The perfect example of the show must go on.

Many thanks to Gary for unearthing this footage and making it available.

...In other news....the solo album is now in the artwork stage and should be up here for your delectation very soon


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