Andy of The Cheesemakers met a deadline that he said he would and completed the recording of his debut solo album today!
Still standing?
The ten songs are now 'in the can', as they say and ready to rumble, although due to the delicate nature of the tracks, a rumble isn't too likely, more a brief murmur.
Now all that awaits are the taking of photos for the sleeve (great Fathers Day present in my opinion) writing of sleeve notes and loading it up to the mother-host. Having been stung by financial sums in recent releases, this will be an internet, Free Gratis, download only situation. Almost Bespoke in its nature.
With the 10 tracks will be a file of Liner Notes, a file of the Lyrics and a PDF file of the artwork for you to print out your damn-well-self.
This should occur within the next 7-10 days, after which I would request, nay beg for, some great and serious reviews that will appear, un-edited, here, on the Cheesemaker Blog.
I feel a sense of achievement, in that I set out to do this, as one piece of work based around one subject. Maybe a concept album, but more of a themed album. is there a difference?
The achievement is that Ive always written songs, always put releases together, but this is the first time I have written 10 songs for a particular purpose and reason, recorded them and put them out as one body of work. Im very proud tonight, I hope you share my projected pride.
Spoiler - Its a solemn listen with rays of light splitting through the curtains, so buy in suitable alcoholic accompaniment. 'Don't worry' though, Curtis Mayfield helped me complete the album today, because the record was so full of grimness I felt it needed some light and 'More To Life Than Sorrow' became the last song written and recorded for the album today in it's entirety and it brought me some hope, hope it does to you also, Brothers and the Whiteys!
Thats all for now
Details very soon on this Blog on how, and why, to get it!
Cheers all
p.s. - some fabulous news just in as regards archives on the band, more soon...

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